After 2 years of lockdown and enjoying the benefits of socialization returning
to school was the welcome change that happened. The pandemic also made us
realize that a small insignificant virus can cause havoc in humanity. The dawn
of minimization and arising to the sustainable development Concept of "Eco
social Knowledge and Responsibility" became the need of the hour.
Educationists have realized the inadequacy of our system and evolved the revised
edition of National Education Policy (NEP 2020) and National Education Frame
work (NCF 2020) in India like in other countries for a VUCA world.
Management immediately introduced discussion and deliberations on NEP with Policy framework
authorities from NCERT, foreign countries, academicians, and implementers who tried to reach out
to the common man. As an initial follow-up of the National policy framework document, introduced
digital curriculum using the guidelines at foundational years (3 to 8 years). Pallavi teachers under the
constant guidance of a research faculty and trainer developed education syllabus and report card of
assessment to make learner centric education from the beginning of formal education. Student agency,
and student agreements for resilience and global perspectives were introduced. Incubation of creative
ideas/solutions to critical issues were promoted, guided and selected ideas were funded for pilot studies
and prototypes. Incubation centers were opened in each school for novel ideas of students to promote
Management stressed quality education with ongoing audits of teaching-learning process in each
class and section internally and externally. Screening of question papers for standardization,school
quality self-assessments followed for maintaining quality. Projects like "Occupational Wellbeing
of Teachers", "Nurturing Values for an ignited future" and "Co-generational Approach for
Realization of Foundational literacy and Numeracy in rural areas" are all in consonance with the
preparation of quality faculty and students.
Each school's annual day of 2023-24 years focused on climate action, gender equality, and global
issues. Parents were informed of the seriousness of the school's involvement and the necessity of
parental cooperation through repeated awareness programs and orientations. Reading has become
a challenge for students and both parents and school must work together to make reading a habit
lest the vocabulary and communication do not improve. Let us begin reading with Almanac
messages, monthly, and daily activities.
This time we have to make our small venture of evolution in education spread like infection and
virulent like the pandemic "Virus" which made us all come together, find solutions and fight evil.
All our initiatives will become redundant if it does not reach the parents and students. As an
optimist I expect you to be the harbinger with us to make the school year an enjoyable journey for
your child.